Leadership Coaching for Accelerated Growth

Providing emerging leaders, front-line leaders and mid-career leaders the just-in-time feedback they need to lead a 21st century workforce, handle conflict, increase engagement and lead high-performing teams. 








I strongly recommend Arrington Coaching

I had the opportunity to be coached by Dr. Arrington for 6 months, and it was one of the best experiences I have had in my career. Dr. Arrington has many processes and systems that he utilized to help me reach my goals in key areas that was needed for my growth. To name a few of the areas, he coached me towards positive results such increasing customer satisfaction, Net Operating Income, building effective and productive relationships with team, and how to balance life and work. I highly recommend any organization to make the investment of Dr. Arrington's services into their Leaders at every level.

Reuben Canty
Senior Executive Director

A Sound Investment

Today's workplace is more complex and dynamic than ever before. Provide your leaders with the just-in-time skills they need to navigate a rapidly changing environment, lead virtual teams and increase engagement.

what is leadership coaching?

A game changer.

in person team meeting

For us, coaching is a transformationalconfidential, and transparent relationship. We provide our clients the much needed space to think in the high-stakes, rapidly changing world environment which they call their day job. This enables them to move out of "reaction mode", plan ahead and lead courageously.

Leadership coaching is a process of helping someone develop the skills and knowledge needed to lead effectively. 

Leveraging our library of courses and years of experience, we help leaders identify and understand their strengths and weaknesses, as well as navigate the challenges they face when leading. 

We work with our clients to develop and execute a plan of action that will help them to reach their goals.

Why Leadership Coaching is Important

Keeping Pace with Change

Today's leaders at all organizational levels face unique challenges and opportunities that can impact the success of their organizations.

Through leadership coaching we can help your leaders identify and address these challenges, develop and implement effective strategies, and manage risks. 

Coaching can help individuals resolve personal challenges, identify and manage their weaknesses, and build the skills they need to lead successful teams.

We will help your leaders increase their effectiveness and build stronger, more diverse, more effective teams.

leadership coaching with masks

Leadership Coaching vs. Leadership Training

Individualized. Specific. Effective.

leadership coaching virtual team

You would think leadership training would provide the skills your employees need to lead more effectively? And it can, but training is only half of the equation. 

Coaching and training serve different purposes and achieve different outcomes. 

Leadership coaching helps an individual leader develop the specific skills they need to be effective. It is a long-term engagement, often lasting 6-12 months.

Coaching provides real-time feedback in a safe environment allowing leaders to take chances and learn from mistakes. 

Leadership training, on the other hand, is a shorter-term, generalized experience that provides a baseline of specific skills and knowledge to all participants without individual customization.

Realized and developed my own leadership style

Working with David helped me start to realize and develop my own leadership style, as well as provided me with some valuable tools to not only lead my team but also to "manage up". I liked the way that David was simply able to ask just the right questions in order to make me analyze and think through situations in a different (and better) way.

Leah Gammons

What results can you expect from leadership coaching?

Improving individual and team performance.

Leadership coaching can help leaders find their own leadership style, adapt to unexpected and rapid change, adopt new approaches, and connect more effectively with their teams. 

By working with a coach, leaders can increase their understanding of themselves and their team members, and they can develop the skills and knowledge necessary to lead effectively. 

Some of the results you can expect from our coaching process are:

multicultural team
  • increased leadership effectiveness
  • individual performance improvement
  • leadership skill development
  • team performance improvement
  • burnout avoidance or mitigation  
  • helping leaders navigate the changing business landscape
  • clarifying personal and professional goals
  • avoiding costly mistakes
  • increased ability to deal with change
  • increased effectiveness in leading remote teams
  • increased appreciation for workplace diversity

Need these results for in organization?

Book Your Complimentary Goals Session. 

Often in our business careers and personal lives we get stuck at zero growth. I felt stuck! I needed someone to point out the questions I should be asking myself. I recommend Arrington Coaching to anyone wanting a fresh perspective, unbiased observations, and non-judgmental coaching to jump-start new personal and business growth. David helped to me focus on my non-profit’s mission, share positive community impact statistics and be confident in myself and my approach. He also pointed out deficiencies in our web site that when changed brought about an increase in online donations. Coaching with David was positively impacting and time well spent.

JanMarie Holzberger
Director of CAN Programming

Highly Recommended

The ability to lead effectively is a challenging skill to learn, however, it is doable when you have the right tools in your toolkit, Dr, Arrington is that toolkit. I highly recommend seeking out his services to better your business.

Abigail Dyer
Business Owner

Why Choose Us:


You look for a coach to help you achieve stretch goals. We get that. Which is why from our first goals conversation and in each session your goals are the top priority. 


You want results. That's fair. We help you achieve those results because of our proprietary ASCEND process which we've honed over a decade of working with CEOs and executives, like you. 


You are busy leading your organization. We get that and our approach is designed to ensure you succeed in every aspect of your life. Not just work.


We've worked with dozens of CEOs, executives, and their teams. We know what keeps you up at night. We know how to help you achieve the goals that matter most.


How long is a leadership coaching engagement?

Coaching is a process and while we will make progress quickly, creating lasting benefits often takes about 12 months. Our minimum coaching engagement is 9 months.

How much does leadership coaching cost?

We offer a number of leadership development options at varying price points. We can work with almost any budget.

If you would like to get pricing for your particular circumstance or organizational needs, let's schedule a time to speak.

Can you guarantee results from executive coaching?

Guarantee results, no. There are so many factors at play that are outside of our control. What we can say is our process is designed to generate results.

We work diligently in every session to create an environment where our clients can gain insights and make progress.

Based on our experience, the majority of our clients see tangible results and gain valuable insights within the first several sessions.

Leadership coaching is an intense process and when clients do the work, they see results.

Do you work with multiple leaders within the same organization?

Absolutely and often. When we do it accelerates how quickly positive organizational change occurs.

We are confidential thinking partners. What is told to us in confidence is kept in confidence.

In the instances when we have been honored to work with multiple members of the same team It's provided us deeper insight into some of the underlying social, political, cultural, and interpersonal dynamics.

The more we know the more we can help.

How many leadership coaching sessions are included per month?

We offer two (2) scheduled virtual coaching sessions per month. Additionally our coaches are available for quick coaching calls and/or direct messaging.

Conducting coaching sessions virtually provides leaders flexibility and allows the process to integrate more seamlessly into our clients busy schedules. And in today's unpredictable climate, just makes sense.

Should you need additional support, schedules permitting, you can schedule another call.

Are there any prerequisites for leadership coaching?

Fundamentally, to be ready to fully engage in the coaching process, an individual would need to be open to change and willing to work within our process. 
